From 71c834543ad13b54841f4ff1d15f64d7b39985d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cresson Remi <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 15:43:36 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update file

 simplestac/ | 216 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 216 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 simplestac/

diff --git a/simplestac/ b/simplestac/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1979f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simplestac/
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+Module to deal with STAC Extents.
+import pystac
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import Union
+Coords = list[Union[int, float]]
+class SmartBbox:
+    """
+    Small class to work with a single 2D bounding box.
+    """
+    coords: Coords = None  # [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
+    def touches(self, other: "SmartBbox") -> bool:
+        """
+        Overlap test.
+        Args:
+            other: other bounding box
+        Returns:
+            True if the other bounding box touches, else False.
+        """
+        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.coords
+        o_xmin, o_ymin, o_xmax, o_ymax = other.coords
+        if xmax < o_xmin or o_xmax < xmin or ymax < o_ymin or o_ymax < ymin:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def update(self, other: "SmartBbox"):
+        """
+        Update the coordinates of the Bbox. Modifies itself inplace.
+        Args:
+            other: other bounding box
+        """
+        if not self.coords:
+            self.coords = other.coords
+        else:
+            self.coords = [
+                min(self.coords[0], other.coords[0]),
+                min(self.coords[1], other.coords[1]),
+                max(self.coords[2], other.coords[2]),
+                max(self.coords[3], other.coords[3])
+            ]
+def clusterize_bboxes(bboxes: list[Coords]) -> list[Coords]:
+    """
+    Computes a list of bounding boxes regrouping all overlapping ones.
+    Args:
+        bboxes: 2D bounding boxes (list of int of float)
+    Returns:
+        list of 2D bounding boxes (list of int of float)
+    """
+    # Regroup bboxes into clusters of bboxes
+    smart_bboxes = [SmartBbox(bbox) for bbox in bboxes]
+    clusters = bboxes_to_bboxes_clusters(smart_bboxes)
+    # Compute clusters extents
+    clusters_unions = [SmartBbox() for _ in clusters]
+    for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
+        for smart_bbox in cluster:
+            clusters_unions[i].update(smart_bbox)
+    return [smart_bbox.coords.copy() for smart_bbox in clusters_unions]
+def bboxes_to_bboxes_clusters(smart_bboxes: list[SmartBbox]) -> list[
+    list[SmartBbox]]:
+    """
+    Transform a list of bounding boxes into a nested list of clustered ones.
+    Args:
+        smart_bboxes: a list of `SmartBbox` instances
+    Returns:
+        a list of `SmartBbox` instances list
+    """
+    clusters_labels = compute_smart_bboxes_clusters(smart_bboxes)
+    clusters_bboxes = [[] for _ in range(max(clusters_labels) + 1)]
+    for smart_bbox, labels in zip(smart_bboxes, clusters_labels):
+        clusters_bboxes[labels].append(smart_bbox)
+    return clusters_bboxes
+def compute_smart_bboxes_clusters(smart_bboxes: list[SmartBbox]) -> list[int]:
+    """
+    Compute the extent of a cluster of `SmartBbox` instances.
+    Args:
+        smart_bboxes: a list of `SmartBbox` instances
+    Returns:
+        a vector of same size as `smart_bboxes` with the group numbers (int)
+    """
+    labels = len(smart_bboxes) * [None]
+    group = 0
+    def dfs(index: int):
+        """
+        Deep first search with o(n) complexity.
+        Args:
+            index: vertex index.
+        """
+        labels[index] = group
+        cur_item = smart_bboxes[index]
+        for i, (item, label) in enumerate(zip(smart_bboxes, labels)):
+            if i != index and cur_item.touches(item) and labels[i] is None:
+                dfs(i)
+    while any(label is None for label in labels):
+        next_unmarked = next(
+            i for i, label in enumerate(labels)
+            if label is None
+        )
+        dfs(next_unmarked)
+        group += 1
+    return labels
+class AutoSpatialExtent(pystac.SpatialExtent):
+    """
+    Custom extension of pystac.SpatialExtent that automatically compute bboxes.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Initializer. Clusterize boxes after the original initializer.
+        Args:
+            *args: args
+            **kwargs: keyword args
+        """
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.clusterize_bboxes()
+    def update(self, other: pystac.SpatialExtent | Coords):
+        """
+        Updates itself with a new spatial extent or bounding box. Modifies
+        inplace `self.bboxes`.
+        Args:
+            other: spatial extent or bbox coordinates
+        """
+        is_spat_ext = isinstance(other, pystac.SpatialExtent)
+        self.bboxes += other.bboxes if is_spat_ext else other
+        self.clusterize_bboxes()
+    def clusterize_bboxes(self):
+        """
+        Regroup the bounding boxes that overlap. Modifies inplace `self.bboxes`.
+        """
+        self.bboxes = clusterize_bboxes(self.bboxes)
+class AutoTemporalExtent(pystac.TemporalExtent):
+    """
+    Custom extension of pystac.TemporalExtent that automatically updates itself
+    with another date or temporal extent provided.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Initializer. Regroup all intervals into a single one.
+        Args:
+            *args: args
+            **kwargs: keyword args
+        """
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.make_single_interval()
+    def update(self, other: Union[pystac.TemporalExtent, datetime]):
+        """
+        Updates itself with a new temporal extent of date. Modifies inplace
+        `self.intervals`.
+        Args:
+            other: temporal extent or datetime
+        """
+        is_temp_ext = isinstance(other, pystac.TemporalExtent)
+        intervals = other.intervals if is_temp_ext else [[other, other]]
+        self.intervals += intervals
+        self.make_single_interval()
+    def make_single_interval(self):
+        all_dates = []
+        for interval in self.intervals:
+            if isinstance(interval, (list, tuple)):
+                all_dates += [i for i in interval]
+            elif isinstance(interval, datetime):
+                all_dates.append(interval)
+            else:
+                TypeError(f"Unsupported date/range of: {interval}")
+        self.intervals = [[min(all_dates), max(all_dates)]]