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Snippets Groups Projects


Projects of the Genotoul platform

  • J

    We introduce jflow, a Workflow Management System (WMS), composed of Jquery plugins which can easily be embedded in any WEB application and a Python library providing all requested features to setup, run and monitor workflows.

  • J
  • jvenn

    jvenn is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a flexible tool, based upon the venny tool first developed by J.C Oliveros (Oliveros, J.C (2007) VENNY, An integrative tool for comparing lists with Venn Diagrams).

  • metagWGS

    metagWGS is a workflow dedicated to the analysis of metagenomic data. It allows assembly, taxonomic annotation, and functional annotation of predicted genes. Since release 2.3, binning step with the possibility of cross-alignment is included. It has been developed in collaboration with several CATI BIOS4biol agents. Funded by Antiselfish Project (Labex Ecofect), ExpoMicoPig project (France Futur elevage) and SeqOccIn project (CPER - Occitanie Toulouse / FEDER), ATB_Biofilm funded by PNREST Anses, France genomique (ANR-10-INBS-09-08) and Resalab Ouest.

  • M

    Repository containing input and output datasets to perform tests on metaGWGS

  • M
  • N
  • ng6
  • ngspipelines

    NGSPipelines integrates pipelines and user interfaces to help biologists to analyse data outputed from biological applications such as RNA-seq, sRNA-seq, Chip-Seq, BS-seq, and so on.

  • P

    The pyrocleaner is intended to clean the reads included in the sff file in order to ease the assembly process.

  • R package mixKernel

    mixKernel is a multiple kernel framework that allows to integrate multiple datasets of various types into a single analysis. The package is published on CRAN:

  • srna-tabac

    This project is dedicated to targets prediction of bacterial non-coding RNA and their visualisation through a web interface.

  • T

    Provide tips to the platform users to use less resources.

  • T

    The software enable to retrieve information (exon boundaries, mutation effect, known SNP...) about transcribed SNP. It's based on ensembl API.