v1.3.3: The output file structure has been modified to prepare for the...
v1.3.3: The output file structure has been modified to prepare for the integration of new modules. The output files themselves do not change but their locations on disk do. See [this section of the documentation](https://icescreen.migale.inrae.fr/interpret_results/description_output_files) for more details ; The documentation now mentions how to install miniforge3 and informs on miniconda3 licencing updates ; The following conda dependencies were added to prepare for the integration of new modules: pyarrow, bash, decorator, scipy ; The following conda dependencies were upgraded: biopython =1.85, pandas >=2.2, snakemake-minimal >=8, and blast =2.16 ; Bug fixes [Issue #19](https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen/-/issues/19) Wrongly reported as duplicate locusTag. Caused by reannot_XerS: the dataframe data was accessed instead of the dataframe df. ; Bug fixes [Issue #20](https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen/-/issues/20) RuntimeError: Error in IsThereAnIntegraseBetweenThoseTwoConjModule: unrecognized positioning ofICEsIMEsStructureOne. This error happens when 2 relaxases are neighbors on the genome and one of them is found by blastp only while the other one is found by HMM only. ; Bug fixes [Issue #21](https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen/-/issues/21) RuntimeError: Error in fillUpColocalizedOtherICEsIMEsStructures: ICEsIMEsStructureIT_mostUpstreamStart == -1. In EMStructure.py->listSPsIsContainedWithinOtherStructure, added a parameter to ignore the absence if an SPType was represented in EMStructureToCompareSent. ; Bug fixes [Issue #22](https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen/-/issues/22) RuntimeError: Error in fillUpColocalizedOtherICEsIMEsStructures: self_mostUpstreamStart == -1. fillUpColocalizedOtherICEsIMEsStructures was not checking for the case when 2 SP of the same type are part of a tuplet. ; Bug fixes [Issue #23](https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen/-/issues/23) ValueError: End location must be greater than or equal to start location. Cause : method reannot_XerS: df[CDS_num] == i was used instead of df[CDS_num] == CDS_numTarget. ; Bug fixes [Issue #24](https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen/-/issues/24) splitListOrderedSPs colocalizeByMaxNumberCDS distanceWithNextSp. Cause : error while reverting a integrase false positive to metadata of the second best blast hit. ; Bug fixes [Issue #25](https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen/-/issues/25) TypeError: < not supported between instances of SP and SP. Cause: def lt(self, other) was not implemented for the object class. ; Bug fixes [Issue #26](https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen/-/issues/26) ValueError End location. Cause : mishandling of CDS features end location for SP that are re-annotated. ; Bug fixes [Issue #27](https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen/-/issues/27) Adding Relaxase family domain of most similar ref SP Type Tyrosine integrase. ; Bug fixes [Issue #28](https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen/-/issues/28) Another case of splitListOrderedSPs colocalizeByMaxNumberCDS. Cause: wrong command line in Error in rule detect_mobile_elements. ; Bug fixes [Issue #29](https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen/-/issues/29) SP to SeqFeature error. Cause : Biopython error due to misformating of SP matrice in the blastp step.
- .gitlab-ci.yml 9 additions, 12 deletions.gitlab-ci.yml
- LOG_public_releases.md 19 additions, 0 deletionsLOG_public_releases.md
- icescreen 26 additions, 25 deletionsicescreen
- icescreen_detection_ME/runTests.sh 70 additions, 10 deletionsicescreen_detection_ME/runTests.sh
- icescreen_detection_ME/src/EMStructure.py 48 additions, 5 deletionsicescreen_detection_ME/src/EMStructure.py
- icescreen_detection_ME/src/hit.py 91 additions, 8 deletionsicescreen_detection_ME/src/hit.py
- icescreen_detection_ME/src/rulesSeedSPExtension.py 10 additions, 5 deletionsicescreen_detection_ME/src/rulesSeedSPExtension.py
- icescreen_detection_ME/tests/test_files/test4_NZ_AFRY01000001_detected_SP.tsv 6 additions, 0 deletions...ME/tests/test_files/test4_NZ_AFRY01000001_detected_SP.tsv
- icescreen_detection_ME/tests/test_results/test4_NZ_AFRY01000001_detected_SP_withICEIMEIds.tsv 6 additions, 0 deletions...sults/test4_NZ_AFRY01000001_detected_SP_withICEIMEIds.tsv
- icescreen_detection_ME/tests/test_results/test4_NZ_AFRY01000001_results_EM.summary 9 additions, 9 deletions...sts/test_results/test4_NZ_AFRY01000001_results_EM.summary
- icescreen_detection_ME/tests/test_results/test4_NZ_AFRY01000001_results_EM.tsv 1 addition, 0 deletions...E/tests/test_results/test4_NZ_AFRY01000001_results_EM.tsv
- icescreen_detection_SP/src/reannot_SP.py 25 additions, 5 deletionsicescreen_detection_SP/src/reannot_SP.py
- icescreen_envs/icescreen_env_1-3-3.yml 8 additions, 5 deletionsicescreen_envs/icescreen_env_1-3-3.yml
- icescreen_pipelines/edit_configfile.sh 10 additions, 1 deletionicescreen_pipelines/edit_configfile.sh
- icescreen_pipelines/final_organize_output_files.sh 224 additions, 0 deletionsicescreen_pipelines/final_organize_output_files.sh
- icescreen_pipelines/icescreen.snakefile 22 additions, 2 deletionsicescreen_pipelines/icescreen.snakefile
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