Scripts related with database development in stacomi.
## Docker
This repository also serves to build [docker]( images with an example database.
These images are on [this gitlab repository](
Tags are given as follows:
- a database version ;
- a postgresql version ;
- a postgis version ;
- an optional `dev` tag. Any image with this tag is aimed to be used in a development context and **should not be used** in a production environment.
This the tag `0.6.0-pg9.6-ps3.4` means that the database version is `0.6.0`, the postgresql version is `9.6` and the
postgis version is `3.4`.
The image is build on a [postgis docker](
The arguments (`ARG`or when building the image `--build-arg`) `postgresql_version` and `postgis_version` allow to use the right [version of docker postgis image](
### How to use the image
- You should have [docker installed]( in your machine (computer or server).
- You should pull the desired image using one of the following line depending if you want the latest version or [a
given version](, eventually after [being authenticate to the registry](
~~~ shell
docker pull
docker pull
~~~ shell
docker run --name postgres_stacomi --rm -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=yourpwd -d -p 5435:5432
`postgres_stacomi` can be replaced by any name (it's the docker container name on your machine) ; `yourpwd` **should be
changed** to your custom password for the postgres user (refer to the [docker
documentation]( if you need more options but this one is mandatory) ; `5435`
can be replaced by your custom port on your machine ; `latest` can be replaced by [any valid
version]( of our docker.
- your docker is now up. That means that you have a postgresql server running with postgis enabled and
client]( to access to it. **Note that it can take few minutes to have the database fully setup (and thus the postgresql server really running and accepting connection).**
~~~ shell
psql -h localhost -p 5435 -U postgres
you can even use the psql from the docker (replace `postgres_stacomi` by your container name) :
~~~ shell
docker exec postgres_stacomi psql --version
- it can also be used inside a [gitlab CI/CD pipeline]( We recommend to use
the image as a service (note that `POSTGRES_PASSWORD` is required and any other postgres options can be defined under
the `variables`). The hostname is defined by the `alias` that can be changed to what you want.
~~~ yaml
- name:
~~~ yaml
image: ubuntu
stage: test_psql
- apt update
- apt install -y postgresql-client
- psql --version
- psql -U postgres -h db -c "SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND schemaname != 'information_schema';"
- psql -U postgres -h db -c "select * from iav.t_dispositifcomptage_dic" bd_contmig_nat