SimpleSTAC : STAC tools to simplify STAC use.
STAC, i.e. Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog, is a standard especially useful to present a spatio-temporal catalog of raster files, typically time series of satellite data:
- when making a request to a remote STAC server, an ItemCollection is returned, i.e. a list of items. This ItemCollection can be saved to a json file, e.g. to keep track of all the rasters used in a processing.
- if raster files are formated with Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF, it allows a fast extraction of sparse pixels (e.g. polygons or points) from a large remote time series.
This package aims at simplifying the way to process such an ItemCollection, mixing remote and local files for example, and to build your own ItemCollection of your local raster files.
This way the same processing line can be easily scaled up from a small experiment on local files to a production context at larger scale, preparing the results for publication in a new STAC collection.
Build a STAC ItemCollection based on local raster files:
- convert a series of raster files to STAC assets
- create a STAC item from raster directory, e.g. Sentinel-2 scene, see class
- function
to build your smallItemCollection
with a template for further metadata
Extends class pystac.ItemCollection
with methods to simplify its manipulation:
- convert ItemCollection to a geodataframe with image footprint geometry
- convert ItemCollection to a lazy dask
cube - fast extract sparse points of the ItemCollection (e.g. 90s for 700 points full S2 time series with all bands)
- subset ItemCollection a-posteriori, e.g. filter according to STAC attributes, crop according to geometry
- apply a function to each item of the collection, saving new assets to files and adding them to the processed ItemCollection
- sort ItemCollection
- harmonize items scale and offset (e.g. for different Sentinel-2 processing baselines)
- drop non raster assets
Additional functions:
- apply a band formula to a
cube (e.g. "(B08-B04)/(B08+B04)") - write an ItemCollection to a series of local files, see
We recommend installing the package in a virtual environment. See miniforge for conda/mamba, or venv for virtualenv.
Create a conda env:
mamba env create -n simplestac --file
Within a virtualenv:
pip install git+
Update simplestac
within an env (conda or virtualenv):
pip install git+
Known issues:
The installation of simplestac
on Windows may end up with an error due to Filename too long
at stac-static
a dependency of simplestac
. Git can be configured to manage such filenames:
git config --system core.longpaths true
Below is a small teaser.
For a detailed demo of simpleSTAC
features, see example scripts.
Example data can be downloaded here or with the script
Extract a study area from a remote collection
In this example:
- a region of interest is extracted from the Planetary Computer Sentinel-2 L2A collection,
- extraction is written down to a local files
- a STAC ItemCollection is returned and saved
import geopandas as gpd
from path import Path
import pystac_client
import planetary_computer as pc
from simplestac.utils import ItemCollection, apply_formula, drop_assets_without_proj
data_dir = Path(__file__).parent/"data"
roi_file = data_dir / "roi.geojson"
# load region of interest
roi = gpd.read_file(roi_file)
URL = ""
res_dir = (data_dir / "pc_stac").mkdir_p()
# time range
time_range = "2016-01-01/2020-01-01"
# file where the collection will be saved
col_path = res_dir / "collection.json"
# Load the S2 L2A collection limiting cloud cover to 50%
catalog =
search =
query={"eo:cloud_cover": {"lt": 50}},
# Make the search result an exetended ItemCollection, i.e. with exetended methods
col = ItemCollection(search.item_collection(), clone_items=False)
# Drop non raster assets
# write down cropped item collection
col = write_assets(col, output_dir=res_dir/"sentinel-2-l2a", geometry=roi)
Create a local STAC ItemCollection
In this example, a series of Sentinel-2 L2A scenes stored locally are parsed to build a local STAC ItemCollection.
The file tree looks like that (pruned to keep it readable):
├── SENTINEL2A_20170526-105518-082_L2A_T31UFQ_D_V1-4
├── SENTINEL2A_20171202-105415-464_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2
├── SENTINEL2A_20190725-105725-224_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2
├── SENTINEL2B_20170707-104022-457_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2
└── SENTINEL2B_20170806-104021-455_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2
├── SENTINEL2B_20170806-104021-455_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2_FRE_B11.tif
├── SENTINEL2B_20170806-104021-455_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2_FRE_B12.tif
├── SENTINEL2B_20170806-104021-455_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2_FRE_B2.tif
├── SENTINEL2B_20170806-104021-455_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2_FRE_B3.tif
├── SENTINEL2B_20170806-104021-455_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2_FRE_B4.tif
├── SENTINEL2B_20170806-104021-455_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2_FRE_B5.tif
├── SENTINEL2B_20170806-104021-455_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2_FRE_B6.tif
├── SENTINEL2B_20170806-104021-455_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2_FRE_B7.tif
├── SENTINEL2B_20170806-104021-455_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2_FRE_B8A.tif
└── SENTINEL2B_20170806-104021-455_L2A_T31UFQ_C_V2-2_FRE_B8.tif
The STAC ItemCollection can be build and saved to a json file with:
from path import Path
from simplestac.local import collection_format, build_item_collection
image_dir = data_dir / "s2_scenes"
res_dir = data_dir / "local_stac"
col_file = res_dir / "collection.json"
# Let's start from the example collection built as in
# directory containing the remote sensing scenes
fmt = collection_format("S2_L2A_THEIA")
col = build_item_collection(image_dir, fmt)
Process the ItemCollection
After executing previous code, the following:
- plot a region of interest over a the ItemCollection footprint,
- computes NDVI over a collection subset and plots it.
The same could be done with a remote item collection, see examples.
import geopandas as gpd
from simplestac.utils import ItemCollection, apply_formula
# Load previously saved item collection
col = ItemCollection.from_file(col_file)
# Load the region of interest
roi = gpd.read_file(data_dir / "roi.geojson")
# Plot the collection geometry and the region of interest
ax = col.to_geodataframe().iloc[:1,:].to_crs("red")
# Compute the NDVI on a subset of the collection (clipped by datetime and geometry). Each NDVI raster is written in a local COG file and inserted in item assets in order to avoid memory overflow.
fun=apply_formula, # a function that returns one or more xarray.DataArray
formula="((B08 - B04) / (B08 + B04))",
output_dir=res_dir / "NDVI",
# Select scenes with the NDVI
arr = col.filter(with_assets="NDVI").to_xarray()
assert "NDVI" in
# Plot NDVI applying cloud mask
mask = arr.sel(band="CLM") > 0
arr.sel(band="NDVI").where(~mask).isel(time=range(4)).plot(col="time", col_wrap=2)